How I Met Your Mother  ended Monday after nine years on CBS.  To mark the occasion I thought it would be fun to share my top five favorite HIMYM moments:

1. My brother used to (frequently) deliver a judo chop to the back of my neck that would make me see stars, and yet that was nothing compared to the carryings-on of Marshall Eriksen and his brothers.

2. I love every Slapsgiving episode, but this is my favorite due to the legen-wait-for-it-dary song Marshall sings after the slap is delivered.

3. The Bang Bang song.

4. The Naked Man; never tried it, never will and don’t endorse it.

5.  “And that’s how it goes kids…”  This is a scene from the most recent episode that both ties up some story lines and reminds us of important truths about aging, friendship and moving on.

Bonus: If you didn’t see it, here is the episode of Inside the Actor’s Studio with the cast of HIMYM.

I was critical early on about the whole of the final season taking place the weekend of Barney and Robin’s wedding; it seems the writers made an excellent choice and created the conditions necessary to end the series well.  Like many of you, I’ve gotten countless hours of entertainment from this show and know that at some time in the not-too-distant future I will watch the series in an epic nine season Netflix marathon.  As for tonight’s finale I’m sure we will laugh, get a little choked up at times and be left with something to think about.

– John Morton



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