If you don’t want spoilers from last night’s show, stop reading now.

I’m still trying to process last night’s premiere of the final season of “Lost.” It’s already making my head hurt. It was super confusing even by “Lost” standards, which it typically baffling anyway.

Soooo . . . . what did we learn? OK, so, “It worked.” But not entirely because future-Losties are still on the island. So are we following parallel dimensions now, each with its own timeline? Like “Sliding Doors”? The plane/airport stuff was interesting, like they were all destined to meet one way or another, but to what end? Locke (well, fake Locke) is the Smoke Monster, but what is the Smoke Monster? It sounded to me like it’s imprisoned on the island, as if to protect the rest of the world. Is Jacob now inhabiting Sayid’s body? Is Jacob now a Smoke Monster too, but a good one? Why couldn’t Juliet be revived at the temple too? And who are the Other Others at the temple? Richard appears to have been a slave on the Black Rock. Is the temple leader, the Asian dude, a former slave too? And how is the stewardess from the original Oceanic flight among them? Does her presence mean the other original Losties (the ones we haven’t seen in about two years) are still on the island? Is Jack’s father’s coffin missing because it crashed on the island in the original timeline, along with Locke’s knives?

And then there’s the issue that the flight wasn’t even following the original reality – Desmond was on it; Hurley still considered himself lucky; Shannon stayed in Australia; Locke got to go on his walkabout; Jack got one bottle of booze instead of two. Is this a whole new timeline that branched out from 1977?

It’s typical of “Lost” – for every answer, we get a dozen more questions. I have no idea what’s going on. If you have any bright ideas, theories or insights, post ’em in the comments.

UPDATE: The parallel timelines have basis in scientific theory. The thought is, you can’t change your own past, but you can cause time to fork off in another direction and you – or versions of you – can exist in parallel dimensions.. Here, just click here and read it.

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