Is it too early to hate the upcoming season of “The Amazing Race”? I know, the current season’s finale is still four days away, and that’s where the focus should be, but when you hear this news . . . .

I stumbled across a couple of casting spoilers for Season 16 that are, well, disconcerting, to say the least. One team is apparently “Big Brother” alumni Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd, who were spotted in race gear at LAX recently. “TAR’s” previous attempt at casting “Big Brother” contestants as racers failed miserably – Season 5’s Donny and Alison were among the most instantly unlikable teams ever, spending two episodes screaming and fighting before they were mercifully eliminated. Jeff and Jordan were apparently fan favorites, so maybe they’re not complete tools, but I’m wary. If anyone out there watched “Big Brother,” feel free to chime in on your thoughts on these two. Should we be worried?

And then comes this news that Caitlin Upton (you know, the geography-challenged Miss Teen South Carolina from the infamous web video) and her boyfriend are also racing. Hope she brings a map of South Africa and the Iraq and such as.

Will this be the stupidest season of “The Amazing Race” ever? The series has a pretty good track record when it comes to stunt casting, so maybe I should take a wait-and-see approach, but I have so much built-in disdain for both “Big Brother” and Miss South Carolina that they’ll have a tall mountain to climb to get redemption in my book. Here’s hoping that (a) they get eliminated early or (b) they surprise everyone and turn out to be as likable as Dustin & Kandice or (gasp!) even Rob & Amber.

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