Joss Whedon (AP photo)

Joss Whedon (AP photo)

Here’s some news that will make fanboys’ (and girls’) heads explode: Joss Whedon will direct an upcoming episode of “Glee.”

Whedon, the creator of the much-beloved “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” who’s currently involved with Fox’s “Dollhouse,” has some musical cred: Who can forget the brilliant musical episode of “Buffy”? And he also directed Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion’s Emmy-winning musical Web series “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along.”

The episode probably won’t be shot until “Dollhouse’s” 13-episode run is done, so it’d probably air in the spring. But don’t expect a lot of bells and whistles;  Whedon hopes it’ll be just another episode. He wrote on his Whedonesque blog: “What can we expect from a ‘Joss Whedon’ episode of Glee? An episode of Glee. God willin’ and the crik don’t rise, a good one. A television director’s job is, on some level, to be anonymous; to find the most compelling way to present a story without calling attention to himself.”

So don’t hold your breath for a special appearance by Alyson Hannigan or James Marsters. Although Whedon just might kill off half the cast: “Whom will I kill? Probably Principal Figgins. (No! I kid! God.)”

Nahh, it’d be more appropriate for Sue to get a stake through the heart anyway.

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