Stuff I found while reading the entire Internet:


“Damages” added a bunch of castmembers for its upcoming third season: Campbell Scott (“Singles”), Keith Carradine (“Dexter”) and – whoa – Martin Short and Lily Tomlin. That’ll be . . . . wacky?


Slate now features the “How I Met Your Mother” Shame Index. I like this. A lot. It pairs well with New York Magazine’s “Gossip Girl” reality check.


Jim and Pam from “The Office” have an official wedding Web site. Looks like it’s not entirely completed yet – the registry isn’t working yet.


Speaking of “The Office,” there’s a move afoot to add Emmy winner Kristen Chenowith to the show. How awesome would that be? (Answer: Very.)


Heads-up, “Dollhouse” fans: Joss Whedon says the unaired episode available on the DVD will guide the series’ second season. I gave up on the show long ago, but from what I hear about that episode, this is a good thing.


The official sign that “Mad Men” has made its mark on pop culture: Don and Joan bobbleheads.


The CW is coming out with a “Hills”-type reality show called “Fly Girls” about young and hot Virgin America flight attendants. What is this, 1963? Is that even still considered a glamorous job?


The NY Times’ Maureen Dowd talks to “Dancing With the Stars” contestant Tom DeLay, who insists he’s not gay, though he is “more feminine and a little prissy.” That sound you hear is Fox News cringing.


Why David Letterman’s interview with President Obama was more successful than the Sunday morning news shows interviews.


Hosea, the unfortunate winner of last season’s “Top Chef,” is taking a five-month sabbatical from his Colorado restaurant so he can do a little traveling. Coincidentally, his tonsil-hockey teammate Leah just quit her job in New York to do a little traveling. Connect the dots. Ugh.


Speaking of “Top Chef,” guest judge Toby Young talks about going to the Emmys. He brought a book to read. Seriously.


So what’s Kevin Federline been up to, you ask? Chowing down cheeseburgers, apparently. He’ll be on the next season of “Celebrity Fit Club.”

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