See, this is why I still watch “Entourage.” Just when I’m getting bored with it, thinking it’s devolving into even shallower depths, it throws me a bone to keep me hooked.

Our little Turtle's all growed up! (HBO photo)

Our little Turtle's all growed up! (HBO photo)

Sunday’s episode was a welcome departure from the vapid first two episodes of the season. Finally, there’s an indication of the guys growing up, even just a teensy bit. Turtle and E finally started acting as their own men, in the world outside Vince. And who knows, maybe at the end of the season we’ll look back and realize the first two episodes were intentionally stupider than usual just to highlight how far they’ve come since.

As usual, Ari was at the center of all that was awesome. His career advice to Turtle was a brutal but refreshing wakeup call. After Turtle bemoaned his lack of collateral for a bank loan, Ari’s “Did you tell them about your hat collection?” jab just killed me. But it was much-needed tough love and it looks like it worked. So Turtle’s enrolling in college now? That’s a subplot I want to see.

Ari also gave a nice, almost fatherly pep talk to E after The Murphy Group’s big (only?) client got fired. When E slipped on the shades and went to the studio fight for his guy, it was clear Ari had made a deep impression over the years.Hey, nothing wrong with learning by osmosis. It was nice to see the eternally wishy-washy E finally pick a side and stand up for something (or someone).

A few other random thoughts:

— Mean as she was, Turtle’s mom was right — 30 is too old to be wearing sneakers with a tux. Even if they’re patent leather. And wow, she gave Turtle a Weight Watchers gift certificate for his 13th birthday? That’s mom of the year material.

— That Ferrari Vince gave Turtle? Sweeeeeeeet.

— That Porsche Jamie gave Turtle? Awwww, sweet.

— Loved the name for Turtle’s company of limos driven by hot chicks — Lim-hos. Classy. Scary thing? It would totally work in L.A.

— Why is Ashley still in E’s scene? She still looks like Gollum and is just as annoying. And she broke his French press, for god’s sake! (Though how her scrawny arms bent metal is beyond me.) Come on, E, hook back up with Sloan. She’s dull but at least easy on the eyes.

— Considering Vince just learned to drive, he did pretty well on that racetrack. (Stunt drivers, you say? No way!)

— Poor Lloyd.

Here’s hoping this was the start of better things to come.

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