A look back at the best and worst of the past week on TV, and a look ahead to what’s coming up.


1. “Lost.” Fantastic episode, with Daniel setting so many things in motion as the series gears up toward the season finale. We got a few answers, a few more brain-crunching questions and a pretty shocking ending. This is the kind of episode that keeps me hooked.

2. “Gossip Girl.” A fun, trashy episode, just what the series does best. A little bit of soapy scandal, some ridiculous wardrobe choices, witty zingers and double-entendres and a great twist at the end, with Georgina on the God Squad. I love how “GG” doesn’t take itself too seriously, and is able to wink at its own ridiculousness.

3. “The Office.” Actually just the opening sequence, as Kevin proudly explained that his homemade chili was the one thing he did best. And then promptly spilled it across the carpet and tried to wipe it up with office supplies. Poor Kevin. Too bad the rest of the episode drooped into predictability, a bit of a letdown after last week’s great episode.


1. “My Name Is Earl.” I think I’m over this show. I used to really like it, but it’s lost its fastball and just isn’t doing it for me anymore. This week’s episode — the first of a two-parter — seemed completely pointless and lazy. Sorry, but I just don’t care about a mystery surrounding a character who we’ve never even heard of before. Tim Stack’s brief cameos were the best thing going for it.

2. “Parks & Recreation.” I’m just not getting into it. Other than Aziz Ansari’s weasely Tom Haverford, the characters all bore me. It seems less a spinoff of “The Office” than a ripoff, only it lacks the heart of the original. Still the biggest problem for me: Whereas Michael Scott is a bad enough boss that he deserves to be laughed at behind his back, Leslie seems just sadly, sincerely clueless. I feel mean for laughing at her.

3. “Daisy of Love.” VH1 has a million awful shows. Well, make that a million and one now. About 20 assorted losers/wannabes/drunks/’roid freaks vie for the hand of “Rock of Love” runner-up Daisy. It’s a total train wreck. Terrible show. Um, I’ll probably watch it a lot. Oh, and I’ll predict right now that Dave Navarro-wannabe Fox is going to win.

Looking forward to…

1. “Lost” (9 p.m. Wednesday, ABC). Everything’s falling apart/falling into place. Jack and Kate are at odds over what to do next, Sawyer and Juliet are in big trouble in Dharmaville and it looks like we’ll get back to Locke and the New Others. So what does lie in the shadow of the statue? Only two weeks left (the two-hour season finale is May 13); I’m going to feel a deep sense of loss when this season’s over.

2. “Amazing Race” (8 p.m Sunday, CBS). Part two of a mega-leg. Will Cara & Jaime snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Here’s hoping! I’m glad Jen & Keisha will get a chance to catch up, but Tammy & Victor are the only team I’m left rooting for. It’ll be down to the final three after Sunday.

3. “Cold Case” (9 p.m. Sunday, CBS). I’ve never seen more than a few minutes of this series, but this is the first of a two-parter that features a boatload of Pearl Jam music entwined in the story, and I’m curious to see how that’ll play out.

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