“Lost” may have ended two weeks ago, but that doesn’t mean we’ve stopped obsessing over it. (Or wait, is that just me?)

One of the mysteries from the finale has been revealed on ABC’s official episode recap. The identity of the giant four-toed statue is. . . . . drumroll please . . . . the Egyptian goddess Taweret. Shocker, huh? (I know! Didn’t you totally think it was Horus? Or Anubis? Or wait, is that just me again?) Apparently, the identity was also revealed in a puzzle in the J.J. Abrams-inspired May issue of Wired, which I have, but lacked the brain power to decipher.

But anyway, there are a few interesting things about Taweret. She started off as the wife of Apep, the god of evil, and Taweret was the one responsible for evildoings done during daylight. Her appearance consisted of all that was feared at the time (hippo, crocodile, lion, etc). Not entirely unlike Smokey (which also takes — at least sometimes — the form of that which is feared by its beholder. Eko feared facing his brother. Ben feared facing his daughter).

As times changed, so did Taweret, who set aside her evil ways and became a mother (hello, Kate!). She was then known more as the goddess of fertility (hello, Juliet!) and protector against evil (hello . . . Jacob?).

So what does this mean? Ehhh, probably nothing, just a footnote in the greater scheme of things. But with all the mind-bending questions “Lost” raises, you’ve gotta count even the small victories.

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