With Iran in chaos after a bitterly divisive election and accusations of fraud (see, they’re not so different from us after all), “The Daily Show” has fast-tracked a series of reports from “correspondent” Jason Jones filmed in Iran last month.

The series was supposed to start next week, but the newsiness of the situation in Iran forced the segments to begin last night. Part 2 will air tonight (11 p.m., Comedy Central), and the rest next week. (UPDATE: Part 2 didn’t air on Thursday after all; maybe they’re saving the rest for next week. Stay tuned . . .)

Jones and his team were granted journalists’ visas and took to the streets in search of evidence of evilness among Iranians. And what he found was shocking: nice, friendly people with good senses of humor. In Iran! Can you believe it?

The trip was made before the election, but the reports provide a good backdrop to the events going on today. The series is all about breaking stereotypes, and it’s pretty eye-opening, considering how little most Americans know about life in Iran. It’s well worth checking out.

Here’s last night’s first installment:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Jason Jones: Behind the Veil – Minarets of Menace
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Jason Jones in Iran

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