As the TV season winds down our favorite series offer one last hurrah before summer sporting events and cable networks dominate.  The question I often find myself asking is, am I watching a season finale or a series finale.  The disappearance of a favorite television show can really hurt; losing Tales of the Gold Monkey still stings after all these years, and don’t get me started on 2012’s Vegas, for that matter I’m still a little angry about the other VEGA$ getting the boot.  When such questions plague my waking hours and haunt my dreams I turn to TV by the Numbers and their Renew/Cancel Index which breaks down the ratings and uses that information to predict what may or may not return for next season.  Be sure to check out the Bubble Watch section to see an easy to follow graphical representation of their predictions.  Click on the question mark below and you’ll be taken directly to the page where you can investigate the likely fate of your series of choice.

– John Morton


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